Celebrating Excellence: Dr. Amy Fleischer Receives SWE’s National Award for Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Girl Scouts of California's Central Coast (GSCCC), are thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Amy Fleischer, Dean of the College of Engineering at the California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) and GSCCC board member, for receiving the prestigious Society of Women Engineers' (SWE) national award for "Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion." This recognition … Continue reading Celebrating Excellence: Dr. Amy Fleischer Receives SWE’s National Award for Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Busy Parent’s Guide to Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts have the opportunity to do amazing things, from conducting science experiments and scaling mountaintops to running a small business and giving back to their communities. While all parents want their girls to have these incredible experiences, many are deterred from joining or volunteering because of one question: What is the time commitment? The … Continue reading The Busy Parent’s Guide to Girl Scouts